Saturday, August 4, 2012

Miracle of the Week

  A friend of mine went to soccer camp. But before she left, she asked me if i would be willing to take her babysitting job for the week. Tuesday and Thursday, babysitting for two adorable little girls, for ten hours. I told her i would, because i love kids, and i love her!
  So Tuesday came up, and i was up at 5:30 a.m. feeding horses, and getting ready for the very long day ahead.  Soon upon my arrival, i noticed a weird smell, but i thought that maybe that's just the way the house smells. I wasn't concerned because it had smelled like that when i arrived. But at noon, i could not keep my eyes open. I put the girls down for a nap at one, and then took a nap too. I slept soundly for two hours. Then got the girls up and we played hard again.
  When their grandma got home, she asked if the house smelled funny. That's when i got concerned because, if she thought it smelled weird, then that smell wasn't supposed to be there. I took the girls outside, and we swam, and played hide-and-go-seek and told stories. Their grandma aired out the house, and lit matches, which i found out later, that lighting scented candles when there is a gas leak, is NOT a good thing to do.  The stove was a gas stove. and one of the knobs was turned just enough to let the gas spill into the house.
  Mom told me that if a match is lit during a gas leak, The house would blow up. But this one didn't. it aired out. and everyone was fine, and the house was still standing when their mom came home.
  I should have died on Tuesday. Those precious girls, their grandma, and Meredith who came with me, we all should have died. I was not supposed to survive a situation like that. It is on days like Tuesday, when i just know that Jesus was in that house, his arms around me, and Meredith, and the girls. He wanted me to see another day, and wasn't ready for me to move into Heaven.
  That night, I jsut lay in my bed, thanking God over and over, over and over and over again that he protected us. I would have been okay if he had chosen to take me. But i would feel terrible if he took those sweet little tiny girls, and Meredith. Jesus was with me on Tuesday. he saved my life. And gave me a miracle.

Thank you again Lord Jesus for not only saving me, who totally deserves to be blown sky high, but also for protecting Meredith, and those Little girls, and their Grandma.Thanks for sitting right next to me while we slept, and for protecting us from the flames. You are an awesome God. And i can't praise you enough.